Here's wishing you & your loved ones a Peaceful & Blessed Christmas.

Life | Photography | Food
Afternoon Off
I had the rather rare opportunity last Friday to have the entire afternoon all to myself.
And since I've been eating barely-passable food for the last 2 weeks, I decided that I would treat myself to a CJ burger (hmmmm.. yum!) and perhaps a movie if there was a good movie with good seats available.
In any case, it felt damn good just wonder around on a Friday afternoon with a great B-grade movie and sinfully-yummy burger thrown in, even tho the company could have been better.
One & a half months of slogging twice a week after work and burning most weekends has finally paid off.
I am now 'Certified'. woo hoo... !
(For those of you who have no idea what I'm going on about, email me.)
I was rather anxious yesterday as two of my colleagues who took the exams with me, had already received their results. One didn't make it.
Obviously that made me very very nervous, and anxious to get home to check my mail. But SingPost decided it would be fun to prolong my distress for another day.
And because we had an office event today, which meant that I would probably only get home much later in the evening, I wasn't going to know my fate until at least
As I was getting home, my heart was pounding... "what if"s were running through my head.
I ripped the enveloped and just couldn't help but laugh when I saw the first word of letter...
So what does this mean for me?
Well, the first thing I'm going to do is to claim back my exam fees from my company.
hahaha...yes, I know. I'm damn cheap eh. :P
The rest of the career stuff... well.. I don't really know yet.
I decided to take the certification, not so much because of career development although there definitely would be some advantages, but more so because I wanted to validate that my own body of knowledge was of a certain set standard.
Since starting this job, I've been very blessed to have been mentored by, not one but three very knowledgeable and enthusiastic colleagues (Sc, Em & Sj) from whom I've learnt practically everything about the job. So in a way, this certification is for them too.
Thanks people, I definitely couldn't have done it without you.
So where to next? Well, lets wait and see what unfolds.
Monkeying around
My Department had a Team-building exercise at Sentosa last Friday.
I didn't have much expectation about it - I've been though a couple of them in school and NS.
But it turned out to be pretty fun and thought provoking at the same time.
Anyway, here are some of the more "bo-liao" snapshots from that day.
A crazy evening out
Last Friday saw a group of my colleagues going out for dinner. And while we were waiting for our orders to arrive, we just did some stoopid expressions to past the time.
Of course, there's a lot more hilarious photos of my colleagues but I don't think I'll be posting them here. But here's some of mine.
Note: Usually I'm not crazy but at the end of a hectic week, I have a tendency to do crazy things to unwind. muahahahahaaa....
Changi Airport - Terminal 3
Huffing & Puffing
How time flies. I'm due again for my physical fitness training - proudly sponsored by Grandpa Lee.
The Singapore Airshow 2008
I went to the airshow today, got badly sunburnt but it was worth it. The aerial performances were simply breath-taking and the roar from the jet engines when they zoom past just reverberates you inside out.
Anyway, here are the first series of pictures - the Airbus A380 - the world's biggest operational passenger jet. I knew it was suppose to be huge but wah lao eh.. seeing it up close and parked beside some smaller planes, really brings its size into sober perspective - not to mention it gives me the opportunity to actually touch the plane.
Official airshow site
Singapore wins 2010 Youth Olympics bid
It's Pinkie's Birthday!
Dearest Pinkie,
Happy (belated) Birthday!
I'm truly sorry to have missed your birthday. I feel somewhat a bit like a lowly Orc since even you remembered mine and rang me up.
But my lame excuse was that I was occupied with other 'matters of importance' that weekend, and I did superpoke you with a cake earlier on in Facebook right? And I even bought (and ate) a cupcake on your behalf too. Not bad right? :P
I really hope that you had a riotous birthday weekend and "got some", although I have a sneaky feeling that it is more likely to be quite mundane. hee..prove me wrong.
In any case, I suppose when people reach their thirties (like us old birds), birthdays have morphed into this rather ominous sign of aging.
But then again for you, I suppose you are still in denial of your true age, and you are still insisting that you are only in your late twenties. Well, denial is one way to stay young. heeheee...
Anyway, in addition to all the usual wishes of presents, happiness blah blah blah, I also hope that God will give you a fantastic job soon, and change your status from 'Bum' to 'gainfully employed'. That way, you'll be able to treat me if I do pop by for a visit.
Take care, have fun always!
I told you soSome Bosses are indeed living in another parallel universe even though they seem to be able to co-exist in the "employee" universe.
And sometimes, you really have to wonder if they speak a different language or perhaps the Employee-universe language terms have a different meaning in the Boss-universe. So while you are saying one thing in Employee-universe, the same sentence could take on a subtle but significantly different meaning in Boss-universe.
So you can imagine the frustration and pain us Employee-universe people have to go through in order to make a Boss-universe person understand why some things have to be done in a certain manner and why simply "banging the table" does not have any magic power to make the illogical decisions, logical, and to warp the space-time continum such that a full year's work can be compressed into a 3 month assignment.
Le Grand ChefIf you love food, especially Korean food, then this is a movie that you should not miss. Obviously the movie's central theme revolves around food but it's not the only ingredient that makes this movie work. A witty and funny storyline with a sprinkling of heartfelt stories makes this one sumptuous feast for the mind.
After being so inspired by the movie, we went to hunt around for some Korean food. Our hunt brought us to Nul Bom Korean restaurant at Telok Ayer Street. It's quite a quaint little place, not flashy at all. I think it's probably as authentic as can be because - apart from the korean waitress, there were these four korean guys - most likely businessmen having dinner after their golf game (because of the huge golf bags) - who obviously had a lot of eat and quite obviously a little drunk too.
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