Monday, February 04, 2008

It's Pinkie's Birthday!

Dearest Pinkie,

Happy (belated) Birthday!

I'm truly sorry to have missed your birthday. I feel somewhat a bit like a lowly Orc since even you remembered mine and rang me up.

But my lame excuse was that I was occupied with other 'matters of importance' that weekend, and I did superpoke you with a cake earlier on in Facebook right? And I even bought (and ate) a cupcake on your behalf too. Not bad right? :P

I really hope that you had a riotous birthday weekend and "got some", although I have a sneaky feeling that it is more likely to be quite mundane. hee..prove me wrong.

In any case, I suppose when people reach their thirties (like us old birds), birthdays have morphed into this rather ominous sign of aging.

But then again for you, I suppose you are still in denial of your true age, and you are still insisting that you are only in your late twenties. Well, denial is one way to stay young. heeheee...

Anyway, in addition to all the usual wishes of presents, happiness blah blah blah, I also hope that God will give you a fantastic job soon, and change your status from 'Bum' to 'gainfully employed'. That way, you'll be able to treat me if I do pop by for a visit.


Take care, have fun always!

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