Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Demons of Stupidity all around

I think I cannot take this nonsense any much longer for today.

I feel like I will take my trash bin and tip it over the next moron who irritates me with a problem that isn’t a problem but became (my) problem because the moron cannot follow simple instructions.

Why am I consistently plagued by stoopid idiotic @#%*@% morons at work?

Why can’t people read and follow simple instructions?

Why are people who may be brilliant academically suddenly become more stupid than a Dodo bird with it comes to following simple instructions? And why aren’t these Dodo-humans extinct yet?

How simple must I make my instructions? I think I have made them very simple. I even have full color screenshots and a step-by-step process all nicely described.

Any simpler, then I might as well do the work for them. And they jolly well better take a part of their frigging five-figure salary and pay me.


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