Sunday, March 08, 2009

Old & New
My beloved Seiko suddenly stopped working a few months back.

When I brought her in for servicing yesterday, the techs told me that it was beyond economic repair as her internals had been ravaged by rust (due to water seepage).

I was stunned and upset to hear that as I had expected her to be fully revived when they changed her battery and change the faceplate.

Sigh….I really liked this watch because she has a special significance for me (D & S had given this to me for their wedding) and its a really nice clean looking beauty - not to mention she's been with me for almost 5 years now. Rust really sucks.

On a less somber note, I’ve gotten myself a new pair of glasses.

Not bad huh… Ray Bans leh.

For my glasses, I’m rather fussy. I want a frame that is:
  • Titanium frame - all the better to resist my corrosive perspiration and once-in-a-while-careless handling
  • Spring-loaded hinges – for that snug fit and to accommodate my fat face.
  • Wide frame – again to accommodate my fat face.
  • Simple conservative design - Bcos I ain't really the flashy type.
Curiously, I’m not that fuss about the design of the frame. I think I tend to keep to a rather conservative design with muted colors. My new pair’s design is rather similar to my old one, except for the color. Plus I usual get someone to help me to chose one that looks ok on me. This time round, J helped to pick this one.

There wasn’t really any wrong with my old pair, except that the frame’s color is faded, and there’s a rather long irritating scratch on the left lens. But I needed a spare pair on standby so I thought it’d be a good time to make a new pair.

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