10 ways to entertain young children for $1 or less (without the TV)
I know it's never easy to keep hyper-active, 2-3 YOs entertained for long periods of time. I remembered the time when little Cheekyboo had me running around Borders playing Hide & Seek. I was tired out just trying to dodge around the shelves hiding from her. Ahh.. the endless energy of youth.
So when i saw this article, I thought that it would be quite helpful for Saggies.
this is for you.
interesting to know, tho i dun have a kid. but still applicable for kids nowadays? they seem a little bit more difficult to satisfy nowadays... i was pretty with bubbles when i was a kid!!! :)
yeah, I think young kids about 2-3yrs are still quite ok.
It's the older kids that are spoilt with ipods, handphones and video games.
i remembered i used to be quite happy with my lego blocks. hee...
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