Monday, May 11, 2009


I think I will never, ever be good at taking exams.

First of all, I hate them. It's the 21 century already...haven't they already invented some brain scanner that can measure the amount of knowledge that you have? If they don't, they should! Better yet, invent some method of uploading knowledge ala The Matrix. Now, wouldn't that be cool?

Second, I hate the anxiety that comes with exams. I feel sick, tired, my stomach's in knots, I can't sit still and I get easily distracted (as evidenced by this post) from my books.


Sigh...ok, back to the books.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Feeling very drained and tired.
What else can go wrong?
Life really sucks these days.

When it rains, it pours.

What can go wrong, will go wrong, and has gone wrong.
