(aka Extremely Ridiculous Procedure)
I hate the stoopid ERP system.
Although I’m all for measures to control traffic volume and reduce jams, I'd really hate how it’s been implemented. The issue of whether the ERP system is actually effective or not, is another thing altogether.

I wonder who the dumbass was that designed the ERP system/implementation. I’d really like to kick his/her/their ass if I knew.
As with any system that relies on the user having a stored-value card, the user is bound to either forget to have the card, or have insufficient value on the card.
So why can’t the stoopid engineers make it such that the system can deduct the value at a later stage when the card is available and has sufficient value? Or at the very least, have the ERP fees automatically deducted from a nominated bank account.
And it’s not impossible to do because the “in-car unit” (otherwise know as the ICU) is already identified uniquely to the car and hence, they have the driver’s details etc.
And it's not that I don't want to pay. The system should be flexible enough to collect payment later. If the gahmen is going to have to collect money, then at least it should make it as easy and as simple a process as possible. And not have some restrictive, limited method where if you don't follow the process, the user is fined.
So why didn’t they?
I bet you it’s because some dumbass gahmen scholar dodo thought that it would be a great source of “fine” revenue for the gahmen.
At this point, I must admit that the reason why I’m so pissed off now is because I kenna fined $10 for not having the cashcard in my ICU. So instead of paying $2, I have to fork out $10 for nothing.
Blardy hell…
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