"Final call for passenger Ms H*** W**P** traveling on flight BA*** to Adelaide. Please stop loitering around Duty Free and report immediately to the departure gate or else we will just leave you and all of your luggage behind on the runway."
ok ok... M wasn't actually late for her flight - I think. Well.. at least we know she didn't miss her flight b'cos she's now downunder - 'enjoying' the summer heatwave.

M left S'pore for Adelaide on Sat, 10 Nov 07 to start a new chapter in her life with hubbie A. She said with a mischievous grin that she was looking forward to "catching up with A".

Anyway, strangely enough, it's kinda depressing (for a short while only though. heehee :P ) that M has upped and left the country. As S would say, "...it's like my parrot has gone and flown the coup..."
Now I'm short of a good friend & buddy who:-
(1) entertains/stuns me simply by saying the darnest things (otherwise also known as "Melisms") - like insisting on calling the Phamton's staff/stick a Shaft.
(2) gives the most out-of-the-world and inappropriate relationship advice - like "... you need to be more of a bad boy b'cos all girls like bad boys..." Or "...Was there sexual chemistry between the 2 of you? That's very important..."
(3) can turn up 30mins late and consider herself to be still on time.
(4) has un-tamable wild hair that goes all over the place despite of heavy-duty hairspray.
(5) considers herself an expert psychologist after a semester or two of classes.
Well, M... what else can I say? You will be missed...maybe... occasionally...
So hurry up and put up your blog already!