PC Show 2007I went to the PC show at Suntec today. I needed to get a new monitor b'cos my current one decided that it had worked long enough and needed a permanent break.
And as expected, the amount of people there was simply crazy. Good thing I've already done my research online and off, and I had in mind what I wanted. So it was simply a case of getting to the right booth, buying the monitor, and getting out. Ideally, I would have gotten my new monitor either on Thur or Fri, when it would be significantly less crowded than the weekend but I had other stuff to do, so I had to choice but to shop on Sunday - the last day of the show.
It wasn't really a big problem for me, given my 'big' size, unshaven face and wearing a frown, I simply barged my way in and around. Yeah, I know, it's not very nice of me but its a wild jungle in there. If you give way or wait for a path to show, you'll never make it in or out alive.
I can understand why lots of guys (and some ladies) want to go to the show, but I can never understand why some people would drag their elderly folks; babies-in-arms/prams; maids/kids etc to such a show-especially when they do not even know what the heck they are looking at.
The whole place is blardy chock-a-block full of people pushing and shoving; its hot (despite the air conditioning) and getting in or out of the suntec area is hard cos of the traffic jams, crowded buses and lack of taxis.
I even think its irresponsible of these morons who drag the entire family there. I mean - how much family interaction can you have in such a place? Kids can't do anything at all, and most are distressed by the crowds and the elderly have a hard time with all the pushing and shoving. Bloody, moronic, inconsiderate idiots.
Anyway, I got my monitor and it looks damn good - well it had better since it cost me 300 bucks.